Ph.D.: Stanford University, Material Science and Engineering, Stanford, California, 1976.
M.Sc.: Stanford University, Material Science and Engineering, Stanford, California, 1973.
B.Sc.: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Maden Fakültesi, Metalurji Mühendisliği Bölümü., 1969.
Research Interests
Mechanical properties of materials, cold and hot deformation of materials, creep, superplasticity and fatigue of materials, structure-property relationship and choice of materials, failure analysis, welding metallurgy
ERDEMIR scholarship (1965-1969),
NATO doctoral scholarship (1972-1973),
TUBITAK post doctoral research scholarship (1979),
NATO Research Grant (1982),
Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany (1987)
Prof.Dr. Eyüp Sabri Kayalı CV